16 February 2008

Centenary's Paper Now Online

Anyone wanting an exclusive look at Centenary's student-run newspaper now has a chance at theccconglomerate.com. Versha Sharma, the Conglomerate's editor, is thrilled to put the paper online. The rest of the school will be thrilled once they wake up to the location of the site. The site launched officially today. Beyond offering features, arts & entertainment, sports, and opinion sections, the site also includes handy Digg and Facebook sharing links.

Any visitor can view the website and read articles. Also, anyone can post comments and create an account. There's a "Classifieds" and "Message Board" section for anyone to post relevant Centenary information. This could be a great tool for anyone wishing to reach a large number of Centenary students for free. Post a note in the Classifieds. Comment on the articles. The site encourages interaction between readers.

-a personal note-
I'm thrilled that another Centenary medium has made its way into the digital space known as the internet. It was a lot of work getting KSCL's blog and podcast going in the late summer of '07 and now the paper's online. This is great for the Shreveport community and allows another medium to reach outside of Centenary's -somewhat- closeted campus. Enjoy it!

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