28 August 2007

New Art Course and Speaker to Centenary

Okay, okay. So I'm behind Trudeau by about six days, but here it goes anyway.

Meadows Museum of Art here at Centenary will present The Highland Spirit House Project in conjunction with several exhibitions this fall. Here's the gist from the press release:  an art class, Centenary, and the community of highland collide with the final product being a house that "celebrates the spirit of Highland!'" This, as the release & Trudeau note, pays homage to the New Orleans structure Spirit House created by artists John Scott and Martin Payton. So, this could be an important landmark in our community in the next two years.

Currently, the museum is sponsoring a visit from Mathew Schwarzman to the class:  Art 295:  Intro to Community-Based Arts. He will also be working to "advance campus dialogue about diversity, community, building, culture, and the artist's function as an agent of change," says Leia Lewis, an educator & professor working with the museum.

The Centenary events calendar lists presentations & training by Schwarzman. The first presentation entitled "National Network of Community-Based Artists and the Social Change Catalyzed by their Work" begins on Sunday, Sept. 9th at 2p in the Meadows Museum.

Of course, the museum invites collaboration and input for this project from students, faculty, staff, and community members. This is mine, yours, and our! house. The museum's number is 318.869.5169.


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