27 August 2009

Amercian Tragedy and Science and the Sea

American Tragedy & Science and the Sea come to the studio to talk about their music and their shows.

Check them out at www.myspace.com/theamericantragedy

And as always you can request their music at KSCL Shreveport 91.3fm Centenary College Radio

Hat Talk Comes to the Studio

Hat Talk comes in to do a Great in-studio Session with KSCL

You can check them out at myspace.com/hattalk

and as Always you can request their music and KSCL Shreveport 91.3fm Centenary College Radio

William Carey In the Studio

A Small in-studio session with the local talent, William Carey.

You Can Check him out at www.myspace.com/williamcareymusic

and As Always you can request his music at KSCL 91.3fm Centenary College Radio

Hat Talk on the Phone

The KSCL kids interview the budding band Hat Talk

Check them out on their Myspace at http://www.myspace.com/hattalk

and as always you can request their Music on KSCL 91.3fm Centenary College Radio

14 August 2009

Lillian Axe Gets a KSCL Style Interview

Rebbecca and Zakk interview the legendary band Lillian Axe before their concert in Shreveport.

You can check out Lilian Axe at www.lillianaxe.com

and as always you can request their music at KSCL 91.3fm

13 August 2009

Neverset Down the Interviews

The guys from Neverset come in to do an in-studio session.

Check out their music at www.myspace.com/neversetband

and as always you can request their music at KSCL 91.3fm

Those Darlin Interviews

Jessie Darlin from Those Darlins takes some time to interview with Cazes and Zakk from KSCL

You can Check out their music at thosedarlins.com

as always you can request their music at KSCL 91.3fm

A Cookbook For Me, A Cookbook For You

California Based Emcee and Producer Jason Soto aka Cookbook does a interview with the KSCL Crew.

You can check his stuff out on http://www.myspace.com/cookbook

And as always you can request his music at KSCL 91.3fm

06 August 2009

Rosemary's Garden Live Session

Rosemary's Garden Does a Live Session With Us after the top 30 Show.

Check them out at www.myspace.com/rosemarysgarden

and Request their music at KSCL 91.3fm

Girlfight in-studio

Girlfight comes into the studio and does a Crazy interview with Alex Beeler

You can check them out www.myspace.com/girlfightband

And as Always you can request their music at KSCL 91.3fm

Natalie Warner In-Studio!

Natalie Warner comes into the KSCL Booth to do a Wonderful live acoustic set.

You can check out her on her website at nataliewarner.com

And as always you can request her music at KSCL 91.3fm